Should you include a photo on your resume?

In an ever-shifting working world, standard practices around job applications continue to change and evolve. The idea of walking into a business and distributing copies of your resume has more or less fallen completely out of favor, but certain questions have found a kind of staying power.
Google searches for hybrid work soar across the US and UK

New research into the number of Google searches around hybrid work reveals that searches have increased drastically over the past 12 months.
Google searches for excuses to miss work are at a five-year high

New research into the volume of Google searches for excuses to miss work reveals that searches have risen dramatically over the last two years.
Report: Emerging tech hubs tempting international IT professionals to look beyond London

With new data emerging on the growing allure of tech hubs outside of London, we look at some of the UK’s IT hotspots and why they’re attracting top talent.
How to be a better salesperson: tips from 7 unlikely movies

You can learn a lot from the salespeople of Hollywood, but there are great sales lessons to be found in some unusual places too. Here are some of the best.
10 best motivational sales quotes to inspire your team

Running low on inspiration? We’ve rounded up some of the best motivational sales quotes ever to put a fire under your team and supercharge your sales.
The 5 must-read sales books for sales professionals

If you’re looking for tips, advice, and strategies that can help you in your sales career, there are countless resources available, but sometimes you just can’t beat a good book. Here are our favorites.
The top 13 sales podcasts every sales professional should listen to

As a sales professional looking for an edge to do the best in your career, you have to put the work in. You have to constantly stay on top of your game, deal with setbacks, and still push through to reach your targets. How can you keep going, keep learning, and keep pushing?